This is the last day of August, which means it’s the last day of these daily creative prompts. Hooray! You made it. Hopefully you tried something new, discovered something, had fun, or were challenged.
But it’s not completely over, I may send you something inspiring every once in a while in the future. And if you ever want to talk to me about your projects, or book me for a group creative writing workshop or individual session, feel free to contact me via my website, or email me at
In the meanwhile, one of the most important things you can do to keep the magic of creativity in your life is to hang out with other arty people.
So your last direction of the month is to find your community.
Find people who value what you do, who value art and writing and music, and don’t talk about it as just a ‘hobby’. Creativity is a vital and sacred part of human experience.
Sign up for newsletters like this, go to art exhibitions, poetry slams, readings, workshops, and connect with other artists. It will inspire you. And what kind of life are you living if you are not inspired?
Connect to yourself, and take your need to create seriously. Even if it takes the form of cooking a beautiful meal, or organising some flowers that you pick on a walk just so, or taking time to dance to a song that touches you, or journal for five minutes daily.
Community is important. If you’re part of this newsletter community, I am throwing a book signing party at my home in Berlin at the end of September. Feel free to connect with me on facebook or instagram and come along. I would love to meet you.