Following on from yesterday’s post, today we’re going to continue working on making the abstract concrete.
Since this is the last Monday of these daily creative prompts, I wanted to start giving you a direction to move in after this month ends.
So today, we’re going to imagine the future…
Think about all the things you want for your creative life, your artistic goals, your financial or work goals, or simply the things your soul wants to feel in the future.
Take your time. Write down some words or ideas if that’s helpful.
Now imagine you are crossing a bridge from the place you are right now, to that future place.
Close your eyes if you have to, and think about the following: What is the bridge made of? Is it firm or shaky? High or low? Where on the bridge are you? What are you crossing over? Are you alone or with others? What colours do you see? What sounds do you hear? How do your feet feel as you cross it? What about your stomach, your heart, your hands?
Write down all your thoughts.
How was that for you? What came up?